Polaris' elementary program, a choice school within Poudre School District, serves K-5 students using the Expeditionary Learning (EL) model to foster each student’s growth and potential. Unique features include:
- Inquiry-based curriculum
- Multiple off-campus fieldwork experiences
- Small class sizes capped at 18
- Three recesses per day
- Weekly school-wide community meetings
- Multi-age classrooms for grades 2-5
- Kindergarten/1st grade looping
- Expeditionary Learning Model implementation
- Authentic homework assignments
For more information, contact the front desk to schedule a meeting with an administrator.
School Days Start Time (M - Fri): 8:15AM (students can be dropped off at 8:00)
School End Times (M, Tu, Th, F): 3:15PM
Early Release Wednesdays: 12:45 Dismissal